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The exclusive seminar was adorned by exceptionally talented academic individual and researcher, ð— ð—¿. ð—•ð—²ð—·ð—¼ð˜† ð—¦ð—¶ð—¸ð—±ð—²ð—¿, an incoming PhD student, ð— ð—œð—§ ð—˜ð—˜ð—–ð—¦ as the keynote speaker. In the seminar, he beautifully crafted his inspiring journey, starting with school life and ending at MIT. He gave the attendees information on critical elements, strategies, and prerequisites for gaining admission to reputable universities across the globe for higher education.

👥The seminar also witnessed the precious presence of many of our honorable faculty members. During the introductory remarks, ð—£ð—¿ð—¼ð—³. ð——ð—¿. ð—˜ð—µð˜ð—²ð˜€ð—®ð—»ð˜‚ð—¹ ð—œð˜€ð—¹ð—®ð—º (Dept. of EEE, AUST and Counselor, IEEE AUST Student Branch) warmly welcomed the keynote speaker to the seminar and imparted his insightful knowledge on the subject matter. Last but not least, ð—£ð—¿ð—¼ð—³. ð——ð—¿. ð—§ð—®ð—¿ð—²ð—¾ ð—”ð˜‡ð—¶ð˜‡ (Head of the Dept. of EEE, AUST), gave his invaluable insights and expressed his gratitude to the keynote speaker for joining the seminar.

🎙ï¸ð—¦ð—®ð—»ð—·ð—¶ð—±ð—® ð—•ð—¶ð—»ð˜ð—² ð—¦ð—µð—®ð—µð—¶ð—± (Assistant Secretary, IEEE AUST Student Branch) hosted the session the entire time. She made sure everything went appropriately during the event and gave an exhaustive introduction to the keynote speaker and the guests.

✨The seminar came to an end with a token of appreciation awarded to the keynote speaker and a group photo captured in memory. This amazing session was successful in stimulating participants’ interest in seeking higher education abroad by delivering them with a comprehensive understanding of the requirements and procedures involved.

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